Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Drink Recipe

The Recipe For Kim
3 parts Tolerance
2 parts Recklessness
1 part Sass

Splash of Glamour

Shake vigorously

It's 12:46 and I can't sleep... SO I was reading some of my Favorite blogs and found this. I think tonight the tolerance is sooo true!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Things you Love

Song you love: Sweet Dreams
Word you love: Mommy
Academic subject you love: Math
Hobby you love: Digiscrapping
Type of baked good you love: Really anything with flour except fruit pies... Choc cake from Wegmans probably the fav
Type of sky you love: Bright blue with white whispy clouds
Beverage you love: any flavored iced coffee drink (White choc mocha is the Fav)
Vacation you love: San Diego
Restaurant you love: Fav. all time, since we are talking about San Diego, is Anthony's Fish Grotto.
Way of getting around that you love: umm car
Person you love: Duh!!! Ethan And Ted
Room in your home (or ideal home) you love: Ethan's Bathroom
Movie you love: The Stupids
Book you love: Song of Solomon
City you love: New York City
Future plan you love: Have another child, buy a house
Form of communication you love: Any
Junk food you love: any ice cream

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Are you kidding me??

Strep throat and an ear infection already??? I am not 100% convinced until the strep test comes back... Ethan has been having allergy like symptoms for a few days now that just kept getting worse by the day. So I decided today to take him to the "after hours" clinic. (On a side note, how horrible is it that it's easier for me to take him to a walk in clinic on a Sunday than it is for him to see his Ped tomm? That's a whole other blog) Anyways, he has had allergies in the past that have turned into a sinus infection, that was my thinking... Boy, was I off... Very weird for him to have an ear infection though. The first 6 months he was home he basically had one continuously and it was hard to misdiagnose even for a first time mommy.. The non stop screaming, pulling and digging at his ear and temperature were sure signs.. Not this time.. No screaming, no pulling, and no temp... I can admit when I am wrong.. Still waiting to hear the strep results though.... :) So in the mean time he has a 7 day supply of a nasty antibiotic that upsets his tummy and makes him yucky all over.. I guess since there is light at the end of the tunnel, it should make the grumpiness easier?!?!?!

Speaking of light?? We are almost a single digit midget... I am sure those 3 words are only used together by military families. Meaning we are at 9 days tomm.... THANK GOODNESS!!! I am sure for everyone else it just flew by.. Not for me though.. It took me just about 3 months to scrap the picture above. I snapped it the morning Ted left and wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with it. I am happy with the end result though.. A good way to sum up Summer 08...

I think Ethan kinda knows something is going on, but I am sure he just can't quite understand what.. We have made our calendar for the countdown, we have colored pictures and we have picked out what kind of cake we are making for Daddy... All the important things for a 3 year old..

Having Ted home for a couple weeks is going to be a big adjustment, but I want to go on record saying I can't wait to be able to sleep in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he isn't thinking the same thing.. I can't imagine so since he has bragged on more than one occasion that he has slept 10 hours straight through.. I swear the first few weeks I didn't get 10 hours in 3 days.... SO sleeping in here I come.. I actually told him, I would love to be able to stay up as late as I want one night and just scrap with a glass of wine and quite knowing that I don't have to get to bed because who knows how much sleep I am going to end up getting or if my day is going to start a very early 5am...

I think I will end this with some of Ethan's attitude pics. I don't know where he gets it... But......